McIntosh Racing - towards 2000

Introduction to Olympic Windsurfing

 Windsurfing was first introduced to the Olympics in 1984 .Each country may send only one representative to the games . Today Olympic windsurfing has become more than just a yacht race .It is the most dynamic and physically demanding of all Olympic yachting events ,it is high speed yachting, things happen quickly, positions change .

Olympic competition is held over 11 races with up to 3 races per day ,each race is between 35and 45minutes .This requires incredible endurance , great upper body strength and aerobic capacity, then making fast tactical decisions .

Peak physical conditioning plays a huge part in competition as well as good food , supplementation ,and the countless hours on and off the water training ,knowing local conditions as well as your equipment inside out all this .makes up the athlete and then you have to deal with the elements on the days of competition .As you can see there are so many variables to deal with and if you can’t put all of them together the day ,you can’t expect to win This all takes experience and strategic planning to put together a winning Olympic campaign .

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McIntosh Racing -
towards Sydney 2000
© Aaron McIntosh 1997

Last updated 05/02/98
Maintained by wiNZurf web design to support Aaron's campaign for the 2000 Olympics, Any queries or comments to